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  • Writer's pictureDale Martin

Hinky Smell Downstairs?

Updated: Jun 7

Odors coming from the basement can be a sign of trouble. If you smell musty or mildew smells you could have mould or wood rot. The basement is a likely place to find water issues simply because of gravity and close proximity to the ground. Any fixture leaks will seep down through the subfloor and cause issues in the floor trusses or sheathing. Exterior walls are suspect due to water leaking through the concrete walls or up through the concrete floor. If you have a developed basement and sense hinky smells, get out in front of it as soon as possible to keep repair costs under control. The longer water issues go un-checked, the more damage it may cause. That's not even considering the health concerns to your family if mould is growing.

Zero 45 Consulting has the expertise to locate and identify water penetration issues. Don't wait on hinky odors.

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