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  • Writer's pictureDale Martin

Rising Utility Bills

Updated: Jul 16

Utility bills are going through the roof these days. There are many things that should be done to reduce your energy costs but they can costs thousands of dollars. Here are a few tips that can be done today for little or no money. Many of these things you have already known but maybe this small reminder can help.

1. Lower the thermostat 2 degrees overnight.

2. Cover the windows. Use a diy kit to create a heat-saving barrier over poor performing windows.

3. Change the furnace filter.

4. Conserve the hot steamy air after a shower by using a desktop fan to move that warm moist air into the living space rather than using the bathroom fan. At least reduce the time the bathroom fan runs. It pulls a lot of warm air out of the house.

5. Close and open air vents as needed in cooler and warmer areas.

7. Use area rugs on hard surfaces to create layer of insulation on the floor.

8. Reverse the direction of ceiling fans and turn them on the lowest setting. If you don't have ceiling fans, point a desktop fan at the roof and let if run. Hot air rises and will sit on the ceiling if not mixes with the rest of the room air.

9. Electric space heaters are very inefficient.

10. Consider upgrading your furnace to a 98% efficient model.

11. Reduce the toaster use. Very inefficient appliance.

12. Stop using a single use coffee maker. Another inefficient appliance.

13. Turn down the temperature of the hot water tank.

14. Take a shorter shower.

15. Turn lights off in less used spaces.

16.  Replace incandescent light bulbs in the house with led light bulbs.

17. Use a timer on your block heater cord. Two hours cycles is sufficient to keep vehicle ready to go.

18. Don't use the hot tub in winter months.

19. Use daytime sunlight to warm interior surfaces.

20. Wear a sweater and socks in the house.

While this list may seem petty, together they can add up to significant savings on your energy bill.

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